Monday 23 May 2011

Video Review- Ovid's Metamorphoses

Mini Review 20- Lydee

Felt like classic greek theatre, but that to me means slightly dull. Leads were good, and it was a better adaptation of Greek theatre than some we've seen this year.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Mini Review 19- Ovid's Metamorphasis

Just brilliant, Greek Mythology with a WWII twist. Done in a very funny way, with excellent music and clever set design, the supremely talented company get the audience completely on-side to sneak in their more meanigful environmental message at the very end.

Mini Review 18- Redrum

Based (loosely) on Bloody Mary, it was a shame her only appearance wasn't visible to most of the audience. The performances were good, and the use of the space was great, but wasn't as scary as I was expecting.

Mini Review 17- Bronte

Put off reviewing this because I couldn't make my mind up about it. Still can't. Liked the way characters from the sisters' novels were brought into their lives showing where the inspiration came from, the rest was a little dull and the characters weren't massively likeable. But then it was fairly historically accurate.